Summer Glau.

I don't really need to say anything more, but I'm sure if I left it at that my pitiful readership would be disappointed. Anyway, I just watched the first episode of the the series mentioned in the title of this post. It was leaps and bounds better than I was led to expect from several amateur reviews; mostly because SUMMER GLAU. Summer Glau. The hottest I've seen her in anything. Robotic Summer Glau. Uagh... my nerd-core is imploding. The rest of the cast was pretty good too, the lady playing Sarah didn't really pull off quite what I expect for her character, but she was decent. John's a pansy though. Pansy pansy pansy. Even if he was in Heroes. The show itself was a little cheesy and not entirely mind blowing, but I will most definitely be watching the rest of it.

On to the n' stuff. The other day I nabbed 4 albums. The first one was Dead Can Dance - Aion, on recommendation in respect to being similar to the album Shadows of the Sun by Ulver. It is passingly so. Not nearly as good though. Ulver's masterpiece is amazing. I never thought I would enjoy pseudo-gregorian chants. DCD is interesting, I'll probably check some more out.

The second one was Manes - Vilosophe, gleaned from the same recommendation thread. The reason for this one was that Manes' history is similar to Ulver's in that they started out as a black metal group and morphed into an avant-garde electronic thing. It's good, but again, not as good as Ulver. granted I've only given it one listen so far, and haven't paid that much attention to it... I wasn't put off or anything though.

Coming up next is Archetype by Fear Factory. A decent album. Not great. Obsolete is by far their best, most brutally beautiful work to date, and Archetype doesn't touch it. If you know Fear Factory's sound this is no deviation.

And finally, 16 Volt's latest release FullBlackHabit. Not bad. The only other album I've heard from them is SuperCoolNothing, which is regarded as their best, as I've gathered. One track (I forget which one) basically sounds like a NIN ripoff, but the rest is distinctive 16 Volt sound, a sort of industrial Tool. Enjoyable.

Oh yeah I forgot. Metal giants Meshuggah have (sort of) released a track from the upcoming (March 7th) album obZen, which promises to be [gosh diddly-darn] AMAZING. The track is called Bleed, and it is fantasmic. Dense pounding polymetric headbanging miasma of sound. I cannot wait. Seriously. If you want to hear it, try looking around Meshuggah's official forum. Google will help you there.
1 comment:
the cake is a lie.
16 volt sounds like it's potentially up my alley. emusic only has a demo cd (which is probably really lame), and itunes has a greatest hits and full black habit. i just got to work to remember to download it when i get paid.
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