11 December 2007


Have you ever had a moment where you realize the utter pointlessness of existence and the doom that overshadows everything? I just had a flash of it. A sort of clenching in my abdomen coupled with a pinch of fear and loathing... all while reading the comments of this blog post.

I think it could just be because I'm back in extreme procrastination mode. That never has good effects on my psyche.

1 comment:

The Horns and the Hawk said...

i don't experience that exactly. what i find, often, is that i feel overwhelmed by things. i'm one of 6.5 billion other people on this planet, and really, the most important things happening on this planet are the thing happening to me. but how can they be? with 6.5 billion other exact points of view, and how can i even begin to fathom all of it? i get filled with a kind of silent hopelessness trying to comprehend it, and i'm not even sure how to put it into words.