07 August 2011

Cowboys and Aliens


As I said last week, I had been pretty excited for this movie until the reviews started coming in, and felt a bit betrayed. As such I didn’t go to see it. I wasn’t sure if I’d see it in the theater at all, especially what with the Revenge of the Rise of the Fallen Planet of the Apes movie getting all that praise and whatnot. Then the new Half in the Bag review came out last night, and I felt compelled to see the film before I watched the review. So I did.

This movie is about James Bond and Indiana Jones killing some frog men and learning about tolerance while the hot chick form House does weird stuff with fire, Wild Bill Hickok gets yanked into a spaceship, and one of those pesky moon clone-workers tries to shoot a gun. All in all, it’s pretty cool.

But seriously folks, it ain’t half bad. There’s at least an honest attempt at characterization for the main characters and even some of the less prominent ones, the visuals are awesome, and you get to see Olivia Wilde’s back. I wish this were an R. Some of the story elements aren’t really explained very much or seem a bit too convenient, but overall it works well enough as a Western will. I have to say I’ve been pretty spoiled by Deadwood as far as Westerns go, so this didn’t wow me as much as it could have. I’m not entirely sure what I was looking for in it that wasn’t there; I think I just assumed the combination of the two genres would be awesome no matter what.

It’s good acting all around, and the setting was very nice. Not the best movie ever or anything, but it couldn’t hurt to go check it out.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing a decent review. I was really excited for this, but nervous because of the reviews. I was happy to find I didn't hate it. The movie delivered exactly what it promised, but I think audiences were hoping for something more. Contrast this with RotPofA, which I think kept expectations low (see James Franco's comments on the matter), and is reaping the benefits of audiences being pleasantly surprised.

myloveasdeep said...

The concept does interest me, but mostly for the steampunk-y aesthetic. I'll probably go see it. Explain to me why Deadwood is good. I've tried to watch it twice now and just can't get into it. I should love it: it has everything I like. The first episode is just.so.slooooooowww.

Scott said...

Deadwood is incredible. Slow, yes, but it's all about the characters and the dialogue. Imagine it as a Western written by Shakespeare. Keep with it and I promise you'll be hooked.