Whilst reading Boing Boing for the last year or so I've noticed Cory Doctorow mention this show a few times. It seemed mildly interesting, but I didn't bother watching it. Just a couple weeks ago some guys at work started talking about it, so I decided to give it a shot. It's real fun.
I've liked British comedy since my introduction to Monty Python. This isn't quite as weird as that, and not as painful to watch as Fawlty Towers (not painful in a bad way). It is instead a very funny sitcom with pretty accessible jokes and likable, eccentric characters. I recognized two of the actors from Garth Merengi's Darkplace, which was a very fun show as well.
As the title suggests, the show is about some IT workers (Information Technology). The main cast consists of one mostly sane buffoon, a super-stereotypical nerd/shut-in, and a decidedly not-nerd female character who works as a personal relations manager for the IT department. There is also a recurring character who is a stereotypical goth (i.e. listens to Cradle of Filth, but I don't think anyone on the show has ever actually heard a note of them. Not that they're missing out or anything.) I think I like that one (Richmond) the most. He's just so ridiculous that you can't help but love him.
For a geek show there isn't really that much in the way of nerdery. I expected there to be a lot of in-jokes and pop culture references, but there really aren't many instances of either. It mostly concentrates on the social foibles of the characters and their extremely odd personalities. Anyway, great fun. Just 12 half-hour episodes so far, so it's really worth giving it a shot.
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