Pretty much everyone I know has seen this show. I've been meaning to check it out for quite a while. So, after seeing a few mentions of it on a forum, I finally nabbed season 1. From the first episode I've been hooked.
It's a comedy, and a very ridiculous one. Steve Carell, who I have known best for his role as Brick in Anchorman, plays an office manager with pretty much every quirk in the book. His main schtick is that he's an aspiring comedian (a very bad one). Sometimes his antics are almost too much for me; they make me feel awkward. It's not the kind of comedy I usually like. However, the characters in this show are just too lovable, and more often than not the jokes have me reeling.
So, after finishing the first season (which was basically a pilot, only 6 22 minute episodes), I am eager to keep watching.
UPDATE: So I've seen it all now. I even finished watching all the pre-strike episodes about 15 minutes before the new one aired today. I have to say, this was one of the most enjoyable shows I've ever seen. I have seen better for sure, but there are elements of this show that just pull you in so tightly that it's completely impossible to drag yourself away from it.
I'll be moving on to the original UK version as soon as I can. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be better than the U.S. one, but that might just be the same old "it came first, I'm better than you" attitude. I do not doubt that it will be excellent though.
Catch up quick, it's back on TV this Thursday.
Thankfully the cringe humor is less common as it goes on, although you still have to watch out for it.
your sister has left the room on no less than 3 occasions because the show has made her feel too awkward.
sometimes, it makes me feel awkward enough that i kind of think, "i hope no one walks in. this will be hard to explain."
andy and dwight's first meeting is my favorite.
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