Okay. I'm obviously not British and therefore do not understand a lot of this show. That might be why I think it pales in comparison to the US copy. It also could be because the US version had a good base to go off of and expanded to create a much better show. Anyway, this wasn't bad, and I understand why it was popular.
However. Far and wide I keep hearing people say that the US version is a mediocre imitation of greatness. That's bollocks. Steve Carell's character kicks Gervais' ass. I consistently laughed at his antics while Gervais only got a smile here and there and maybe one or two laughs out of the 12 episodes.
The main difference between the two shows is that the original is a lot more depressing. I suppose some people might see this as a good thing; but this is comedy. Comedy is supposed to make you feel good, at least the way I see it. Sure, a trademark of both versions is the cringe humor, but at least the US version usually ended each episode on a positive note.
I suppose one of the underlying reasons I didn't like it as much could be that the receptionist character (Dawn) has an ugly mug. Call me a chauvinist, because I am. I think Jenna Fischer is a babe.
I think the best part of the whole show was the end where the boss got fired. He deserved it. However, it wasn't funny.
UPDATE: I just watched the Christmas special that I had forgotten to watch before. It was probably the best part of the show. There was some good humor and it ended happy.
1 comment:
steve carell's manager mostly has good intentions, but is a complete dork. the uk manager is a dork, but is also really passive aggressive. he makes me cringe more, but laugh consistently less.
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